Our services

Making Your Health a Priority

Don't let what you've heard scare you away! Often I meet with patients who have lived in considerable pain for fear of the 'snap, crackle, pop' technique commonly used by chiropractors. I choose the Activator method of chiropractic care, which is gentle, painless, and extremely effective.

Do you suffer from any of these?

When we work with your nervous system, multiple issues can be improved, like digestion, mental health, Fibromyalgia and more. 

  1. Arthritis
  2. Athletic Injuries
  3. Auto Accident / whiplash
  4. Carpal Tunnel / Numbness
  5. Chronic pain or stress
  6. Fibromyalgia
  7. Numbness in extremities
  8. Head bumps / concussions
  9. Herniated Discs
  10. Migraines / headaches
  11. Neck and back pain
  12. Sciatica
  13. Scoliosis
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Activator Adjustments

An activator is a hand held instrument used to adjust the rest of the spine. This is also a low force painless adjustment. Using the activator protocol tells the chiropractor what and where to adjust. This protocol has been used and refined since the 1960's and is one of the most used techniques used today.

Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments

The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Program is a gentle, painless, and effective technique that was developed to correct the position of the Atlas bone. The correction utilizes a precise, repeatable, x-ray-analyzed program to adjust the Atlas bone by a percussive force instrument to remove nerve interference. There is no manual adjusting done at my clinic that means no twisting or popping.

Tiny Bone, Big Problem, Modern Solution

The 2-ounce bone that supports your 9-17 pound head is called the Atlas bone. This tiny bone is at the top of the spine, making the all-important link between your spine and skull. The Atlas bone works most efficiently in the orthogonal position – an imbalance can be one of the causes of nerve irritation causing pain, numbness, tingling, range of motion problems, or progressive degeneration changes in the spine.

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